For over 27 years, 4 Seasons Driving School has taken great pride in being the #1 Driving School in the Poconos.
Please visit our Facebook page and read our reviews from our former students.
You may also refer to the reviews and recommendations on this website from past students, some of whom went to “the other guy” first and saw the difference.
We are committed to making you the safest driver possible.
Our instructors have the background and experience to provide you the ability and confidence to accomplish your goals.
Ask around, the difference is obvious.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: I am extremely nervous and have never been behind the wheel. Can you help me learn to drive?
A: Yes, absolutely we are able help you. We specialize in helping nervous and first time drivers.
Q: Can you teach me how to parallel park?
A: Yes, we teach the easiest parallel park method in the area.
Q: Are you able to schedule my road test and can I use your car?
A: Yes, as a courtesy to our students, we are able to schedule the road test for you at no additional cost. We also offer the option of renting our vehicles for the day of your test.